20 Years of Promoting Global Literacy

Shipping Books Worldwide in Collaboration with Rotary Clubs
Books for the World is a global literacy project supervised by Rotarians. We ship books from the United States, which might otherwise be discarded into landfills, and the books are sent to children worldwide where educational resources are in short supply.
Our educational non-profit organization is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Seabrook and funded by the Second Wind Foundation to promote literacy worldwide.

Milestones & Achievements
Today, Books for the World continue to distribute books to impoverished rural area schools and has spent over $2 million as a charity. Our contribution has yielded $130 million of literacy materials to local educators and has assisted them in promoting their community literacy.

Supporting Global Literacy
As of 2022, about 410 40-foot containers have been loaded for 17,655,106 pounds of books (17.1 million books) sent to more than 25 countries. Once our recipients receive the books, the containers are put to good use by converting them into polio immunization vans, child care centers, school rooms, libraries, etc.
Books for the World impact Rotary’s focus areas in supporting basic education, literacy, and the environment. Our motto is inspired by Nelson Mandela’s “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.”